One amazing Husqvarna 701 Adventure ride. 311 miles and 180 of those on dirt.
- Sunday day ride
- How much: 311 miles, about 180 on dirt or forest roads
- Time: 11.5 hours, with about 11 hours of saddled time
- What: some nasty, rocky steep climbs, trees in a way and some super nice roads – the usual PNW
Details – did you ever wonder if you can get from Snoqualmie pass on the south side of I90 to Stempede? YES you can! It is not big bike friendly or for the faint but if you are determined, ideally with a buddy you can get there. I started at Tinkham and went to the Summit.
I knew that there is still snow at Summit West, so I took Hyak and connected to the NF-115. Fun to ride, until I got to the active logged area (if you try, avoid weekdays this year). After that it got supper steep and rocky. I lost momentum and was trying to decide if I turn back. But I was so curious and was told it is possible so I decide to push/walk the bike up. After about 45 minutes I made it to a more flat section in the middle of the hill below the power line but I was juiced out. The bike took a nap at least 6 times, I had to move the rear wheel away from the ruts as it was spinning with no progress.
After a short break (lying on the ground catching my breath) I drank some Gatorade and decide to keep going. It got better but I seen that a bit further up it is the same shit. I went for it and the momentum helped. Bike bouncing around, front wheel in the air (very uncomfortable with the 701) but I made it to the crest. Carefully going down on the other side, shitty as well but I made it and recognized where I am. Mentally celebrating, I came around the corner and threes down. WTF?!
Some were cut but still in the way and I left my saw at home. Shit! I knew this is the only way so I decided to walk to the cabins about a mile ahead.
Some nice gentlemen offered to help but could not find their pruning saw, so Sam took the golf cart his chains saw and went back. I think when he seen the wall of threes that I am crazy but I was able to show him what to cut so I could get under or over. Some of the logs were thick so he helped me 2x to get over when I got stuck with the bash plate but I made it!
After those 2 adventures I was worn out so I loved the smooth and fast NF-54 to Lester via Stempede. I was drying out, the gate is still locked, the hidden camera still there so I went up to 7036 to check out if I can make it to Greenwater. As I started on 7036 the reserve went on. WTF?! I should have another 100 miles, not 30! But I guess as the bike was taking the many naps, I spilled out. So getting to the top I asked 2 guys on BIG bikes (KTM 1190) and they sad there is still 2 feet for at least 0.25 miles so I went straight to WJ, hoping I will make it.
I did, so I got gas, some Gatorade and power bar and sit down by the river to re-energize.
The original plan was to go up to Bethel ridge and check the snowmobile shelter at Little Bald Mt. at 6000 ft, but given the shitty morning and knowing the intensity of the 4×4 trails and risk of snow and getting stuck I decided to go “easy”.
So I went via 1711 to Cleman mt, down to Weenas, up the ridge to the towers over Ellensburg. A lot of fun!!! Fast, some rocks but nothing like the morning, felt like I am on a rallye ride. But there was a storm that was chasing me and some big drops started to come down. The ridge road was already soft and muddy and I did not want to get stuck up there, but I kept riding. Luckily I only got few drops every 10 minutes or so and the road did not turn to the muddy shit, where the top just slides like a snow…
Made it to Ellensburg, with big dark clouds. I did not want to go back via I90 so I took a short break, single cheeseburger, some liquid and went out via NF-3500 to Table mountain, near the top the rain was heavy and I was really considering going back but it seems the sky looked better towards west so I kept going. By the time I got descending to Liberty it was sunny and I was getting dry again.
On 97 to Cle Elum and I had two options:
Crossing Cabin Creek or begging the security guard to let me into the Cascadia resort. Given that @sunncountry drowned his bike there on the 5th and I have seen the high water and it was already past 7PM I decided to “chicken” out and take I90 from Cle Elum to Easton.
What a mistake! It was a shitshow! But I made it and took the road around Kachess, Gold Creek and back to Tinkham. What a ride!

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